I found this old picture two days ago.
I love it because I think it captures one of Isaac's very frequent faces:
"wait a minute... are you serious?!?"
And from the date of the post, he couldn't have been more than 4 months old.
I haven't capture it often.
I love it because I think it captures one of Isaac's very frequent faces:
"wait a minute... are you serious?!?"
And from the date of the post, he couldn't have been more than 4 months old.
I haven't capture it often.
here's one other picture where I can barely see it:
...almost three years old, and he loves a good joke more than ever.
so sweet.
captain hilarious.
i can't believe it has almost been three years.
just for the record:
will is "captain hillarious"
Isaac is "Mr. Funnyguy"
i'll be posting a short low quality video of the cap'n tomorrow
Those pictures bring back happy sweet memories...may they always for everyone who loves these boys. I'm one of those who does...and I'm one of those who remember.
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